Company formation in Bosnia

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, forming a business entails a set of well-structured procedures. An entrepreneur must register for tax purposes, insurance, and health to get a certificate of function, and the firm must be registered with the Municipal Court.

Considering Bosnia

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a fast-growing country that has seen tremendous economic progress in recent years. Bosnia and Herzegovina have greatly improved their business environment and investment climate as a result of their strong reforms. With its attractive benefits, Bosnia & Herzegovina welcomes foreign businesses.

Form a company in Bosnia

Based on our significant experience in this field, we provide solutions for all incorporation, licensing, and other related services.

Form a business in Bosnia reliably

We counsel entrepreneurs and businesses on how to establish their activities in Bosnia and with the appropriate company structure to position themselves for long-term growth and success while avoiding costly mistakes.

Business formation steps

Our specialists have broken down the lengthy business creation process into six simple steps. The steps are as follows, along with our solutions:


Market research

According to the World Bank’s Economic Report (April 2019), BiH’s economic growth will go up, fueled primarily by consumer spending and to a lesser extent by public investment.


Choosing the company name

We help you search for company name availability as well as suggesting you a creative name suitable for your brand.


Document preparation

Fundamental company paperwork, partnership Memorandums, Investment agreements, share pledge contracts, and other important documents must be completed before launching a business.


Corporate bank account

Our team of experts ensures that they select the bank that fits your business and provides you with useful information on the need to have a business bank account.


Tax identification number

For tax payment, we file applications with tax authorities on behalf of individuals, registered businesses, and incorporated companies.


License acquisition

We assist applicants in obtaining required business license in Bosnia.

Call us today, let’s put our experience and knowledge to work for you.

Consultation about company formation

Based on our significant experience in this field, we provide solutions for all incorporation, licensing, and other related services.

Form a company by one of the following types of business structure:

Limited Liability Company

International investors confront many challenges when forming a Limited Liability Company in Bosnia, such as the registration process, expenses, and documentation. Our experts can assist you in resolving such challenges by creating and filing registration papers.

Joint-Stock Company

We have an experienced team of professionals who specialize in Joint Stock Company formation in Bosnia. We have created specific services to assist company owners in starting a business in their selected area.

Other formation solutions

Branch Office

The branch office is used for companies to satisfy customer needs for face-to-face interaction. Depending on the needs of the business, the Branch office can consist of a single individual or It can be staffed.

Holding Company

We form a holding company to help you protect your assets, obtain tax benefits. Press the button below for more detailed information regarding Holding Company.

The LLC (d.o.o.) is the most frequent legal entity utilized by entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina when starting a business.

From the beginning to the end, our team of skilled and experienced experts assists you with the incorporation of your business.

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Accelerate your business growth while we take care of everything else.

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